Student Enrollment
Schedule a Tour
Call or email the School Office to set up a personal tour of our campus. We will show you our facility, share details on both our philosophy and curriculum, introduce you to our staff and answer all of your questions.
Email: tls@trinitywels.com
Phone: (262) 547-8020
Enrollment Process
If after the visit you feel that Trinity is the place for your child, please follow these steps.
Fill out the application - Trinity Lutheran School Application
You will be asked to upload a past report card and standardized test score if your child is in first through 8th grade.
If you are applying for or currently in the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program please email the office at tls@trinitywels.com before you submit your application.
You will receive an email verifying your application has been received.
Come in and take a tour if you have not already had a tour.
Once your application is approved you will be sent a link for enrollment.
You will be asked to upload immunization records, Athletic Concussion Agreement, and Disbursement of Medicine Form.
If you are applying for or currently in the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program please email the office at tls@trinitywels.com before you submit your enrollment packet.
You will receive an email verifying your enrollment has been received.
We offer tuition assistance to qualifying families via the following ways.
Chippy Fund - Call the school office at (262) 547-8020 for more details.