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Welcome Home: Our Need for Thank-filled Living

Americans are tempted to think of Thanksgiving as a holiday—a day for family meals and shopping deals. Thanksgiving is much more than a day in November. It is a spiritual attitude of the heart. Even secular psychologists recognize that thanksgiving is a key ingredient to thriving in life. Our heavenly Father has blessed us with clothing, shoes, food, drink, house, home, family and friends. The list of God's physical blessings is long. But the list of God's spiritual blessings in Christ is endless! Jesus welcomes us home this weekend. He blesses us with a seat at his thanksgiving table—right next to the saints of the past: Noah thanking God for his family's survival, Corinthian Christians expressing their thanks through love, and a leper thanking Jesus for a new lease on life. May Jesus richly bless us this week as we fill our hearts and minds with thank-filled thinking and our days with thank-filled living. Welcome home!