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Welcome Home: You are Part of a Glorious Kingdom

We conclude our Welcome Home worship series this weekend, most appropriately, by talking about the most important member of our spiritual family—our brother, Jesus.

Windsor. Bernadotte. Bourbon-Anjou. Orange-Nassau. Glücksburg. Liechtenstein.

Do you know what those names have in common? They are all names of royal families. A member of each of those families serves as a monarch. The extended members of those families enjoy fabulous privileges, even if the monarch serves largely as a figurehead.

In this Welcome Home worship series, we have seen that Christ has welcomed us into his home and made us part of this family. Today, we see that this is a royal family. Our brother Jesus is King. He does more than serve as a figurehead. Christ rules over all creation for the benefit of his family. He promises us that one day we will sit with him on his throne (Revelation 3:21).

You simply must join us this weekend! We celebrate Christ the King Sunday, a beautiful finale to the Church Year. We praise Christ for his glorious reign. And we thank him for making us part of his royal family, giving us a claim to the Kingdom.