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Prepare the Way for the Lord: In Meditation

Advent is a season of preparation. We are preparing for the reality of Judgment Day. We prepare for Christ’s second coming by remembering what he did at his first coming. Thus, we eagerly await the Savior’s Christmas appearance. It is time to prepare, just as John the Baptist says: “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.”

But how, exactly? It is one thing to prepare your home for holiday guests…to prepare a Christmas ham. It is quite another thing to prepare yourself to meet the Lord. What would “make straight” the path into our heart? Martin Luther gave a three-fold answer: meditatio, oratio, and tentatio: meditation, prayer, and suffering.

In our midweek Advent worship, we will explore portions of Psalm 119, which discusses all three of these. We will see the role that each of these plays in preparing the way for the Lord. Join us at Trinity on Wednesday December 2, 9, and 16 at 3:45pm and 6:30pm.